
The most recent publications are listed chronologically below. The publications are also broken out by topic area towards the bottom of the page.

Kyle Crichton, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. How Do Home Computer Users Browse the Web? ACM Trans. Web 16, 1, Article 3 (February 2022).
Akira Yamada, Kyle Crichton, Yukiko Sawaya, Jin-Dong Dong, Sarah Pearman, Ayumu Kubota, and Nicolas Christin. On Recruiting and Retaining Users for Security Sensitive Longitudinal Measurement Panels. In Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2022), pages 347–366, Boston, MA, August 2022. USENIX Association. View Here
Maggie Oates, Kyle Crichton, Lorrie Cranor, Storm Budwig, Erica J. L. Weston, Brigette M. Bernagozzi, and Julie Pagaduan. Audio, video, chat, email, or survey: How much does online interview mode matter? 2022. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263876.

Kyle Crichton, John Krumm, and Siddharth Suri. Inferring Sensitive Browsing Information from Online Advertising Profiles. 2023. In Submission.

Kyle Crichton, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. Rethinking Fingerprinting: An Assessment of Behavior-based Methods at Scale and Implications for Browser Fingerprinting. 2023. In Submission.
Kyle Crichton, Jin-Dong Dong, Akira Yamada, Yukiko Sawaya, Lorrie Cranor, and Nicolas Christin. Accurate, Generalizable, and Practical Behavioral Models to Identify Impending User Exposure to Malicious Websites. 2023. In Submission.

Kyle Crichton, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. How Do Home Computer Users Browse the Web? ACM Trans. Web 16, 1, Article 3 (February 2022).
Akira Yamada, Kyle Crichton, Yukiko Sawaya, Jin-Dong Dong, Sarah Pearman, Ayumu Kubota, and Nicolas Christin. On Recruiting and Retaining Users for Security Sensitive Longitudinal Measurement Panels. In Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2022), pages 347–366, Boston, MA, August 2022. USENIX Association. View Here
Akira Yamada, Yukiko Sawaya Shoma Tanaka, Ayumu Kubota, Nicolas Christin, Kyle Crichton, Jin-Dong Dong, Shun Umemoto, Jun Nakajima, So Matsuda, Reo Matsumura. 2020. Security Behavior Observation for Smartphone: Longterm Monitoring of Smartphones Comparing Desktop Computers. Extended Abstract. Sixteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2020). USENIX Association, USA. View Here

Maggie Oates, Kyle Crichton, Lorrie Cranor, Storm Budwig, Erica J. L. Weston, Brigette M. Bernagozzi, and Julie Pagaduan. Audio, video, chat, email, or survey: How much does online interview mode matter? 2022. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263876.

Kyle Crichton, Jason Lee, and Meihan Li. 2019. Incentives for Enabling Two-Factor Authentication in Online Gaming. Extended Abstract. Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2019). USENIX Association, USA. View Here